On International Orphan Day we open the doors of success and recognition for vulnerable children who excel in art, sports or learning.
In Romania, over 3,300 children still live in foster care centers. These mammoth institutions rob them of their identity and throw them almost unprepared into adult life. In the almost 25 years of activity, we found that poverty determines the institutionalization decision in the case of at least one of two children. In 2022, poverty continues to separate and tear children from their families. What can be more painful for a child than to know that his parents’ love was not enough for him to grow up with them? That poverty defeated his need for love?
We have built 121 family homes
We have opened 121 doors that say HOME. These are the family homes we’ve built, which ensure children in the social protection system a life as close to normality as possible. But these doors are not enough. Vulnerable children need much more than that. They need open doors to life, to the dreams that each one of them has.
DAR Scholarships for gifted children
Sometimes, in the shadow of a sad life story, there can be a future champion, an accomplished musician or a mathematical genius, waiting to be discovered. We are committed to finding these talented children and helping them cultivate their talent.
On November 14, on the International Orphan Day, we announced the first 10 DAR scholarships. The program is designed to support vulnerable children with extraordinary results at school, in arts or sports. This way, they can continue to excel.
2.000 euro is the value of each scholarship
The awarded scholarships represent resources for the 10 young scholars to use, guided by the social workers of Hope and Homes for Children to support their performance and not to abandon their dream.
We aim to support excellence every year from now on where lack and vulnerability risk robbing truly extraordinary children of their right to shine.
The scholarships are offered this year with the support of JYSK Romania and Alliance Healthcare România.