For Easter, "We share fraternally!" - Hope and Homes for Children Skip to content
Copiii noștri și copiii din Ucraina au nevoie de noi la fel de mult. Hope and Homes for Children România lansează campania De Paști, împărțim frățește!, și spune #SuntAici atât copiilor români, cât și celor ucraineni, aflați în sistemul de protecție socială.  Ajutor pentru copiii instituționalizați din Ucraina

For Easter, "We share fraternally!"

Our children and the ones from Ukraine need us just as much. Hope and Homes for Children Romania launches the Easter campaign We share fraternally!, and says #IAmHere to both Romanian and Ukrainian children in the social protection system.

Help for the institutionalized children from Ukraine

“The war has brought us face to face with tragedy, pain, suffering, tears and despair. It showed us children left alone in the world, whose lives changed in just a few days. During this period, when there are more and more children in Ukraine who need help, Hope and Homes for Children Romania can only say #IAmHere for them too”, says Robert Ion, Director of Fundraising & Communication Hope and Homes for Children Romania. “From the beginning of the war until now, the Foundation has supported 230 children from classical and family orphanages in Ukraine who arrived in Romania and we’re placed in the care of the Child Protection Departments in Bucharest, Iași, Prahova and Brașov,” says Robert Ion.

Children without parents need help

No matter how close or far away they are to us or the language they speak, children without parents need help. You can’t remain indifferent to the horrors of the war. At the same time, you can’t forget, even for a day, the Romanian orphans. Can’t decide which child gets your help first – the Romanian one or the Ukrainian one? You can’t choose who eats first and who the last or who gets first the things needed for school. Our children and the children from Ukraine need help just as much.

Together for children

“When we started working on the Easter campaign, we quickly realized that we wanted to talk about TOGETHERNESS, a value that was obvious to us from the first day of war. So, through this campaign, we want to say both #IAmHereForUkraine and  #IAmHereForRomania. Our children and the ones from Ukraine need help just as much”, says Miriam Ivanescu, Client Service at Cohn & Jansen.

The campaign will run on the main social networks and is addressed to those who want to share, on Easter, a smile, a moment of joy, to children in need.

The Cohn & Jansen team

Miriam Ivănescu, Simona Firu – Client Service

Simina Leotescu – Strategy

Cerasela Ustoroi, Felicia Stoica – Creation team

So, on Easter, we share fraternally!

Say #IAmHere for both Romanian and Ukrainian vulnerable children and help us share fraternally: