Last night we celebrated our heroes – exceptional children and young people, during the second edition of the DAR Scholarships Gala! They have been our source of inspiration through their determination, talent and strength to overcome any obstacle that life has thrown in their way, proving that what seems impossible can be achieved.
In a space where performance met the power of SOMEONE – gestures of kindness, hugs and words of encouragement – we felt with all our heart that together we can make the world a better place. We thank our dear people: Amalia Enache, Mihai Morar, Oana Carmen Zamfir, Corina Caragea, Lidia Buble, Alexandra Ungureanu, Omid Ghannadi and Cosmin Stan.
This special project was possible thanks to the organizations that applaud and support excellence: AFI Cotroceni, Alliance Healthcare România, Banca Transilvania, B&BCollection, Douglas Romania and PENNY Romania. Also, many thanks to BT Stup for their generosity and hospitality!
The DAR scholarships represent a program for vulnerable children who excel in art, sports or learning. The awarded scholarships are financial resources for the young scholars to use, guided by the social workers from Hope and Homes for Children to support their performance and not abandon their dream.