we support children, youngsters and families with basic necessities for the duration of the medical crisis generated by the spread of COVID-19
seven romanian pop artists sang “the best present” for the most vulnerable children of romania. keo, alexandra ungureanu, alina eremia, ami, lidia buble, paula seling and liviu teodorescu joined, pro bono, the cause of hope and homes for children, in order for 1,600 children at risk of family separation to remain with their parents.
the winter holidays are coming, and, unfortunately, there are still children in Romania at risk of being separated from their families and of ending up in institutions or other forms of special protection. for them, the best present is to remain together with their parents. the families who face extreme poverty often need just a bit of support not to lose their children – a repaired roof, fire wood, warm winter clothes for the children or having their rent covered for a while – and we need your support to carry out all of these interventions.